Monday, November 16, 2020

Covid related precautions/rules during Nature India tours

Covid related precautions/rules during Nature India tours

1.  As per recommendations by WHO, every participants should wear face mask during the trip.

2.  We request all the participants to maintain a minimum of 2 feet distance from each other and then may remove their masks as per need, when eating or drinking.

3. Please carry your own hand sanitizer

4.  All activities and visits will be subject to local authorities permissions and guidelines.

5.  Persons with fever or Covid symptoms, would not be permitted to join our trip and will be advised to rest and recover at home. The trip amount would be however not refunded as it goes towards advance booking of logistics.

6. If any participant develops Covid symptoms after the commencement of trip, then he/she would require to take a break from the trip and either rest or return back from the tour.

7. Kindly note that each one comes on these trips as per their own risk and Nature India shall not be responsible what-so-ever in case anyone develops any Covid related symptoms.

8. There could be sudden change in itinerary with respect to Permissions, delays or rescheduling of timings due to the ongoing pandemic.....

9. In case there is a Covid test required to be done at any given place (if at all), then the expenses of the same has to be borne by the participants.

10. Kindly co-operate with the group leader and the local authorities regarding the Covid guidelines.

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